
Inside Outside Bleaching

Inside Outside Bleaching

Following a root canal treatment it is not unusual for a tooth to discolour and sometimes it is desirable not to crown this tooth. In these circumstances it is possible to bleach the tooth with very good results.The first step is to take impressions which technicians will use to craft a bleaching tray for the one dark tooth.

The second stage is to remove the filling (at the back of the tooth) through which the root treatment was originally done. The tray and bleaching agent are given to the patient and the lightening process begins. The process involves the patient placing the bleaching agent in the tray and the cavity in the back of the tooth and wearing the tray as much as possible. The whitening process often works in 48 hours but can take a week or longer. When the desired shade is acheived the tooth is re-filled with a white filling. The whole process is painless as the tooth already has no sensation.